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Instructional Design Workshop. 

For the Next Generation.

The Build-Your-Own-Short-Sims Workshop 

Short Sims bridge the knowing-doing gap. Short Sims can directly develop the critical skills, from leadership to certification skills, that had previously been impossible to do effectively.  

This workshop is ideal for leading instructional designers who want to use their intelligence and imagination to create effective content that learners value. And who want a leading role in helping people and communities grow.  


In this Clark Aldrich-led, self-paced course you will:

  • Learn how to create your own Short Sims for your portfolio.

  • Be able to earn a Short Sims certificate.

  • Help organizations teach sought after skills.

  • Learn a pedagogy that is tool independent.  Many participants use  BranchTrack (including their first-sim-free trial version) or iSpring (including their free trial period) for authoring their Short Sims. Articulate is currently not recommended.

Our self-paced program on Short Sims design combines 4 focused classes, given by Clark Aldrich, with Short Sims examples to play, and is structured around participants building their own Short Sim through about 16 hours of self-paced work (including interviewing your subject matter expert for your sim).

There are two learner deliverables: 

  • Submitting a Short Sim outline after Class 1 (optional), and then

  • Submitting a completed Short Sim after Class 4, which is required for certification. 

​These will be reviewed by Clark Aldrich.  

Discounts available for purchases of 5 or more seats.


Use the button below to submit the payment through PayPal (you do not need to return to this site when done) and your seat information will be sent to you, usually within a few hours. 

Or let us know if you would rather be invoiced, and if you have any other questions.

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Learners can earn their Short Sims Certification.


What Learners are Saying About

Short Sims Workshops by Clark Aldrich

"Clark, We appreciate your excellent training and insights. This has moved us forward in a direction that we’ve wanted to follow for a while. If you decide there is an advanced training, please let us know."

"Many thanks for the very helpful course. I’m glad I plucked up the courage to share my Short Sim last time because your feedback was invaluable.”

“Thank you for the amazing seminar and for sharing your knowledge and experience with our team.”

"Thank you for a great course - we've been working hard on how to implement Short Sims for our clients."

"It does take a lot of reflection and honesty (or right-mindedness) to make a good-quality Short Sim."

“The learning classes with you, well I would say more that it were a masterclass and I enjoyed so much. Honestly, I learned in few hours so much and it exceeded my expectations. You showed us how to let our inner creativity bloom.”

"It’s hard work but the results are amazing.”

"'Thank you' Clark for a great class!  It was inspiring."

Aldrich and his work have been featured in...

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